Animal welfare is defined as a state of complete physical and mental health, where the animal is in perfect harmony with the surrounding environment. Animals reared under welfare conditions produce more and in better quality. The European Union is a pioneer in developing and guaranteeing the protection and welfare of animals.

The importance of the egg sector in the European Union

In terms of egg production, the EU is the world’s second largest producer after China and the leading exporter of eggs and egg products. More than 400 million laying hens in the EU produce more than 7.5 million tonnes of eggs per year, three quarters of which come from seven Member States: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Poland.

Eggs of laiyng hens

The number of poultry farms in Spain has increased significantly in recent years. In January 2022, there were 1,865 laying poultry farms. They have produced 870,000 tonnes of eggs.

Housing systems for laying hens established by European Regulations

The following housing systems for laying hens are currently used in the European Union: enriched cages with at least 750 cm2 of cage area per laying hen and alternative systems where the population density does not exceed 9 laying hens per m2 of floor area and at least one laying nest per 7 hens and suitable perches are provided. Whatever the system used, hens must be provided with a roosting space, a nest, litter for pecking and scratching, and a feeder that can be used without restriction.

78% of Spanish hens are housed in enriched cages, 13% in free-range, 8% are free-range and 1.4% are ecological. The United Kingdom, Ireland and Austria have the highest proportions of laying hens reared in free-range systems, while Denmark and Sweden are the countries with the highest proportions of hens reared in ecological systems. Currently in the European Union the rearing of laying hens in cage and cage-free systems is proportional.

Cage-free system

The European Commission has made a commitment to progressively eliminate animal cages in the EU by 2027. Cages do not allow animals to move freely and are therefore not compatible with animal welfare. In Spain in the last three years the number of eggs from alternative systems has grown by 123% and is expected to increase by a futher 25% this year.

Ganal joins the animal welfare initiative and is working on the development of alternative housing systems for laying hens. Our R&D&I department is looking for solutions both to improve bird welfare and to increase production efficiency in farms.

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cages for laying hens


Cages for laying hens, such as the GANAL PROFIT model, are made of galvanised steel, which guarantees good quality and durability. The height of the