Breakdowns result in production interruptions with all that entails: failure to meet delivery deadlines, product deterioration and financial losses. Good maintenance avoids repair costs that are usually higher and guarantees a longer durability of the machinery.

We are aware of the high importance for our customers of the good functioning and reliability of the conveyor towers installed in their production plants. In accordance with this important goal, we assume with professionalism and responsibility, to offer our customers the maintenance of the food conveyor. This is made possible by a team of engineers and technicians with a deep knowledge of Spiral Technology installations.
We evaluate and analyse, by our technical department, the state of the installations and the possible damage they have suffered over time.
Our aim is to be able to give you an exact radiography of the state of the installation as a whole and of each of its components. We verify their condition, and provide a report whose conclusions allow us to improve:
– efficiency,
– reliability,
– and durability of the installation.
Benefits of maintenance of food conveyors:
– Knowledge of the real state of the installations.
– Optimise maintenance costs.
– Increase the useful life of the installation.
– Improve its efficiency.
– Make it possible to adapt to new needs.
Maintenance: control of parameters and observations
Our technical auditors check the entire installation and fill in the corresponding templates, evaluating from 0 (unfavourable) to 4 (favourable) each of the elements.

Report and evaluation of the installation
With the data obtained, the technical department prepares an exhaustive report about the installation, including proposals for improvement and possible solutions.
Once the unfavourable points have been solved by our technicians, a revision is proposed to determine whether the adaptation has been carried out successfully.
As experts in industrial engineering, we give much importance to a correct conveyor maintenance, and we offer our customers annual scheduled maintenance plans. It is also recommended that our customers be aware of the components, parts and spare parts required in the case of a breakdown. To avoid unscheduled downtime, it is necessary to have a list of critical spare parts.